Welcome to the future!

Welcome to the future!
by Nelson S. Lima (Science Writer)

Future Memory: is it possible?

Some researchers believe that our brain/mind system can live the future before it occurs! They propose a new category be established under mods of futuristic awareness. Author P.M.H. Atwater describe this category as follows:
Future Memory >> to prelive in advance (subjective/sensory-rich). The ability to fully live a given event or sequence of events in subjective reality before living that same episode in objective reality. This is usually, but not always, forgotten by the individual after it happens, only to be remembered later when some "signal" triggers memory.
For them, the present moment can be past tense! It is more a process of memory than anything psychic. They actually remember the future, just as they remember the past, even though that memory is not based on previous "constructions" (the brain´s ability to adapt actualities to accommodate whatever is precedent). They do not predict. They are just people who now live in a different reality system than before, where the understanding of time and space has shifted from the norm. Other researchers often misinerpret and misunderstand this phenomenon, thinking it to be something it is not.
In business we use forecasting. It is to predict in advance (objective/logical). Depends on mathematical projections made from detailed facts and figures to provide information. But some futurists use another kind of phenomenon: precognition. It means to know in advance (subjective/feeling). Is the act of knowing or feeling the future before it happens; occasionally called "sensing". Refers too advance knowledge suddenly known without precursory promptings or impressionistic stimulus of any kind.